Graphic Design Projects

Project - Website Mockup

This project may be completed by the following students:

M1 1st Year Media Arts Majors.

M2 2nd Year Media Arts Majors.

M3 3rd Year Media Arts Majors.

TC Technology Concepts Students.


  1. Pre-Production

    1. The goal for this lesson is not to create a full website (that's a different course that you WILL take in 8th grade), but to make the organizational and visual aesthetic choices necessary for a website.
      1. You may wish to complete the Logo Design (Media Arts Majors) or Logo Design (Technology Concepts) assignment first, as you are expected to include a logo in this project. The logo you include could be the logo you made for that assignment.
    2. Make a list of 5 artworks you've made that you want others to see and appreciate.
      1. These can certainly be videos, but do not have to be limited to video content.
    3. Think about the themes and aesthetic choices for those artworks.
      1. What, if anything, do they have in common?
    4. Create a series of 5 or more thumbnail sketches that include the elements listed in the rubric.
      1. Menus/links are traditionally placed across the top, left, or right side of a website. Note that most of the links on Canvas are placed vertically on the left side.
      2. Avoid leaving large, open spaces in your website. Adding an example of your art to fill space in can solve this problem.
    5. Show all of your thumbnail sketches to your Media Arts teacher for approval. They may have advice to make the production and post-production processes easier.
  2. Production

    1. Use a program or website like Method Draw or Vectr to recreate your best website design.
      1. The text tool is very useful for this, but Method Draw does NOT have a spellchecker. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK!
      2. Graphic elements like images (including your logo) can be imported directly into Method Draw. For videos, use your Chromebook's built-in screenshot feature to make a still image you can import as a placeholder.
      3. Method Draw's white background exports as transparent unless you change it. Websites should not have transparent backgrounds.
  3. Post-Production

    1. Not everything that can view SVG files will open them the same way, so you will need to save your SVG file to show you did the work but also export a PNG file to show what you wanted it to look like.
      1. To save an SVG file in Method Draw, click on File, then click on Save Image.
      2. To export a PNG file in Method Draw, click on File, then click on Export as PNG.
    2. Upload your SVG & PNG files, as well as a photo of your thumbnail sketches, so they can be critiqued and graded.


