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Level 2: Voxel Monster


  1. 25% Monster was created using cubes in Mr. Doob's Voxel editor (see link below).
  2. 25% Monster submitted as a .png file.
  3. 25% Monster has at least 1 visible mouth, 1 visible eye, and is not an animal that really exists.
  4. 25% Monster consists of no less than 3 different colors. (White and black count as colors for this assignment.


  • Standard 1.0 – Technology Systems: Develop foundations in the understanding and uses of technology systems
    • A. Systems
      • 1. Demonstrate knowledge of technology system
        • b) Use keyboard and mouse effectively and efficiently
        • c) Apply utility programs to convert formats, as necessary, for effective use in Web, video, audio, graphic, presentation, word-processing, database, publication, and spreadsheet applications


  1. "Voxel" is short for "volumetric pixel."  Anything voxel based is made of cubes.
  2. Take a look at the sample monster in the voxel editor. (Link opens in new tab.)  Play around with the controls to add and remove voxels (cubes), change colors, and change the camera angle.  (The instructions are at the top of the page.)
  3. Go to and make your own monster from scratch.  Use your imagination!
  4. If you run out of time, click the "SHARE" button and bookmark the new page.  You will be able to go back to it later and continue editing.
  5. When you are done, press the "SAVE" button.  The website will turn your monster into a .png file that you can right-click on and save to your "My Documents" folder.
  6. Upload your creation for a Project grade.