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I have to serve Jury Duty today.  It involves a lot of sitting quietly while other people talk, no food or drink, no cell phone use, and few bathroom breaks.

So it's a lot like most Middle School classes, really.

Things I have graded and placed in SchoolMax:

  1. All Weekly Videos except for the one due this Friday
  2. Title Cards

What you should be doing today:

  1. Fixing your Title Card (If it still needs to be fixed, which is true for most of you.)
  2. Planning/editing of your 10 Second Challenge
  3. Grabbing an ELO permission slip from the center cart if you don't have one already. If you've ever felt I didn't give you enough time on  a project, or that you didn't have the tools you needed to do the work at home, then the Media Arts ELO is for you. It is almost 2 additional hours to get your work done.
  4. Making up and submitting any work that you "forgot" to do
  5. This week's Weekly Video is homework, but if you have nothing else to do...

What you should not be doing today:

  1. Eating in  class (Especially if you leave food all over the keyboard like on Friday)
  2. Kicking cables (Especially if it knocks out the internet for multiple students like on Friday)
  3. Marking work as "done" and then doing nothing constructive for the rest of the class. (That button needs to be renamed the "I want an E" button. Some of you press it every time.)
  4. Shouting
  5. Walking around the room
  6. Playing video games (Really, I know they're fun, but they aren't worth getting a low grade.)
  7. Watching YouTube (There are no videos that are worth a zero.)
  8. Otherwise annoying the sub


(Making silly art in GIMP or Inkscape counts as constructive, provided it's good enough to share with everyone in Google Classroom.)

Remember, last week's Weekly Video required 3 different camera angles, not camera angels.
