Digital Footprint - The collected information about an individual across multiple websites on the Internet.
Unit 2 Lesson 6
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets; a language used to describe how HTML elements should be styled
CSS Selector - the part of a CSS rule-set that defines which HTML elements the style should be applied to
Introduced Code
color: value;
font-family: value;
font-size: value;
text-align: value;
text-decoration: value;
Unit 2 Lesson 8
Copyright - the exclusive legal right to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same
Creative Commons Attribution (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it.)
Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it, don't make money off of it.)
Creative Commons Attribution, Share-Alike (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it, anything you make with it needs to be under the same license.)
Creative Commons Attribution, No Derivatives (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it, don't make anything out of it.)
Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it, don't make money off of it, anything you make with it must be under the same license.)
Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (Say who made it, ideally share where you got it, don't make money off of it, don't make anything out of it.)
Public Domain (Owned by the public, IE, everyone. Can be used without citation outside of a classroom setting.)