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Hello everyone, this is our official page. Visit here daily to get the latest updates, usually will be post prior to class but sometimes after class as a reminder of what we did today. Two important things: 1) Don't panic if your work is suddenly missing. We now a new Canvas course due to the change in section number, however all work prior to today has been collected and graded. I'm only missing a few people's HTML light practice assignment, which I will announce in class today. 2) We will be covering the final basics of HTML today. All instructions will continue to be available in Canvas. However, for parents to see the information I'll regularly update this page with the assignment names as well as the instructions for each assignment.


Warm-up 9/17: 

Where do we put all of the things that show up visually on the webpage in HTML?

Hint: it's after a certain open tag.

More HTML Basics:

Today we will cover a few more of the tags we could use on our web page. I will go over more notes on the board and you will simply copy them down either here or on paper if you lack computer access.

Tags we'll go over -> <br>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <img>, <link>

Terms we'll go over -> Self-closing tags, attributes, elements


Any questions please e-mail me at Thank you.