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Today we will wrap up what we didn't cover last class relating to CSS files. Here are today's items in canvas:


What is the tag that we need to use to link the CSS file to the HTML file? What are the 2 attributes we have to include inside that tag to get it to work in HTML? (Use your notes)

CSS Notes Day 2:

Last time we talked about the <link> tag, the two attributes it needs as well as where to put it in the code, and a bunch of terms in CSS. Those terms were rule-set, selector, and property-value pairs. We even went over what these looked like with examples, and some of the properties with their values (font-size, color, background-color). Today we will cover the rest of the properties and their values in CSS. Add them to your notes/pictures and show me before the end of class. Keep them in a safe place because we will be needing them for the next webpage assignment, which we'll do after we cover how to add images.