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  • Look at your scores & criticisms for the Policies & Procedures project. How could you do better? Be more specific than "Hand it in," "Resubmit it," or "Work harder."

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  • Students will gain basic understanding of code to gain the necessary background knowledge required to generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. (Anchor Standard 1)

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. List at least 3 ways that knowing how to code could make your life easier. Explain your answers.
      2. (Previous Homework) Give three examples of constructive criticism. (Ex: "I think if you recorded with the camera closer to the actor, the background noise might not drown them out as much.")
    3. Critiques
      1. First critique
        1. 10 completed projects.
          +10 points added as "learning curve points."*
          (This will not happen again.)
          =20 point Assessment Grade
        2. Constructive Criticism
          1. Shared regardless of credit earned.
          2. GOOD: "The text might be easier to read with a darker background behind the bright text that you used."
            (Suggestion, identifies the problem without saying the work is bad.)
          3. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "Fix the colors."
            (Command, doesn't say HOW.)
          4. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I didn't like..."
            (No statement of how to improve = NEGATIVE criticism.)
          5. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: "I wouldn't change anything."
            (Saying it cannot be improved is NOT constructive.)
    4. Project: Policies & Procedures Review
      • If you scored higher than a 0, you have until September 29 (10 days from today) to resubmit for a higher grade.
      • As stated in the syllabus, Zeros earned for incomplete, late, and/or nonexistent work are not eligible for resubmission.
    5. Project 2: Coding
      1. Rubric
        • ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
        • ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
        • ►25% Project is a 1:00-2:30  minute song (Sonic-Pi) or interactive (Scratch). [Class Choice]
        • ►25% Project contains characters. [Class Choice]
      2. Problem:
        1. Due 9-28
        2. Four (4) B Days before due date.
      3. Solution(?)
        1. Change deadlines (I have to have a certain number of grades in before Progress Reports.
        2. Reduce scope of project
        3. Split project into smaller parts (Voted on by students)
        4. Other [Student Suggestions]
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework Checks
    2. Project Pre-Production
      1. Tutorial Time
        1. Sonic-Pi (Tutorial is built into the app, but also online)
        2. HTML (w3schools)
          1. "Tryit Editor"
    3. Project Production & Post-Production
      1. Dependant on project scope determined by student.
    1. How can someone specializing in your major benefit from having a personal website? Explain AT LEAST THREE (3) different answers.