- What are the benefits of everyone working in the same media for a project? What are the drawbacks?
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- Students will gain basic understanding of code to revise and complete artistic work. (Anchor Standard 3)
Today's Agenda
- Guided Instruction
- Warm-Up Review
- Homework Review
- Write out three ideas we can use for a PART 2 of our coding unit. Be as specific as possible. (Example: "Digital portfolio of art projects" is specific, "web page" is not.)
- Project: Policies & Procedures Review
- If you scored higher than a 0, you have until September 29 (2 days from today) to resubmit for a higher grade.
- As stated in the syllabus, Zeros earned for incomplete, late, and/or nonexistent work are not eligible for resubmission.
- Project 3: Coding, Continued
- ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
- ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Project includes a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Project is either a 1:30- 3:00 minute song (Sonic-Pi), A 2-5 page webcomic (html) or an animation. [Class Choice]
- Project 2: Coding
- Rubric
- ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
- ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
- ►25% Web page includes 100 NON-CODE words. [Class Choice, UPDATED 9-21]
- ►25% Project contains characters. [Class Choice]
- Code Review:
- HTML (w3schools)
- <!DOCTYPE html> (Everything that follows is a web page.)
- <html></html> (Everything between these is HTML code.)
- <head></head> (Everything between these is the Header.)
- <title></title> (Everything between these is the Title.)
- <body></body> (Everything between these is what can be seen in the website.)
- We also learned how to change colors using some older code. We will learn a new way today.
- <h1></h1> (Everything between these is LARGE, bold, and on its own line.)
- <h2></h2> (Same, but a bit smaller.)
- <p></p> (Everything between these is a single paragraph).
- <a href="http://fouloistech.info">Linked Text</a> (Add a link to another page.)
- <strong></strong> (Everything between these is bold.)
- <em></em> (Everything between these is italic.)
<tagname style="property:value;">
- color (text color)
- background-color
- border (outline color)
- <h1 style="border:2px solid Violet; background-color:yellow; color:white;">This should be painful to read.</h1>
- Saving work to share:
- Text editor (On PC, use Notepad)
- Name file with .html suffix, NOT .txt suffix.
- <img src="imagename.suffix"> (Add image to page)
- align="left/right/center" (text wrap)
- alt="image description"
- width="pixelnumber" (Could also use percent.)
- height="pixelnumber" (Could also use percent.)
- border="pixelnumber"
- Submitting work:
- Use Notepad (or other text editor) to save code as index.html
- Upload index.html file and any images to Google Classroom
- On Critique Day (Monday) I will have the pages set up for each of you to view and critique.
- This requires ADDITIONAL WORK on my part. Projects submitted late for ANY reason will not be available for Critique Day.
- Rubric
- Independent Work
- Homework & Journal Checks
- Project Pre-Production
- The rubric requires characters. Include them today.
- Project Production & Post-Production
- Dependant on project scope determined by student.
- In your journal, draw 3 website layouts that you think would reach a balance between form and function. (Think about: colors, images, content, menus)