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  • Rate your confidence level for this project from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Explain why you chose that number.

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  • Students will ask themselves meaningful questions to refine & complete artistic work.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. Your finished project needs a beginning, middle, and end. Describe what each of these will look (or sound) like when you're done. (I will check this on Thursday along with tonight's homework.)
      2. We will be creating a rubric for our last project of the class on Thursday. List five (5) skills you have that you would be willing to show off for this project.
    3. Project 2: Coding
      1. Resubmissions are due by 10-13-2018.
        1. Projects that have earned a zero are not eligible for resubmission.
    4. Project 3: Coding, Continued
      1. ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
      2. ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
      3. ►25% Project includes a BEGINNING, MIDDLE, and END. [Class Choice]
      4. ►25% Project is either a 1:30- 3:00 minute song (Sonic-Pi), A 2-5 page webcomic (html) or an animation 0:30-1:00 TRT. [Class Choice]
    5. Project 4: Final Project
      1. Rubric Google Doc
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework & Journal Checks
    2. Project Production & Post-Production
      1. You should be wrapping up at this point.
      2. Make sure you have everything asked for in the rubric.
      3. Exporting images from Inkscape (Tutorial)
        1. You will also need to embed images in a web page or pages to hit the coding requirements.
        2. The image above may have some sample code that can aid you.
        3. For every link to another page or embedded image, you will need a file with the same name.
      4. Recording songs in Sonic-Pi (Tutorial)
      5. Animation
        1. Those of you who have chosen to make animations are using a program with which I am not familiar. Embedding your animation into a website (like the webcomic example) might be useful.
    1. Think about the rubric we made today. Write a rough description of what your final project for this class will look like.