- What was the toughest part of the animation project? Why?
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Today's Agenda
- Warm-Up
- (See above)
- Homework Review
- 3 Family Tree design thumbnail sketches
- Objective
Students will ask critical questions that help them to refine and complete artistic work. (Anchor Standard 3)
- Guided Instruction
- Project 3: Animation
- Critique day!
- Press the "Unsubmit" button for Project 3 BUT DO NOT click the X to remove it.
- View your project.
- Use the "Share" button to get a link that allows others to see your animation.
- Paste that link as the answer to the question I posted in Google Classroom.
- Once you've done this, you will be able to see and click on links posted by other students. Check them!
- If the link you post does not work for anyone other than you, reread the directions to see which step you skipped, then fix it.
- Critique day!
- Project 4: My Life
- DUE Friday, 1-18-2019!
- Q2 ends Friday, 1-25-2019!
- No time for deadline extensions!
- No time for resubmissions!
- Project documents the life of the student.
- Must include a family tree
- Project's text includes proper grammar/spelling/etc.
- 5 to 12 slides or 2-5 minutes
- DUE Friday, 1-18-2019!
- Project 3: Animation
- Independent Work
- Project 3 Critiques
- Project 4
- NPR Podcast Contest
- Draw 3 storyboard panels that each show movement.