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  • What was the best part about this project, and why? What was the worst, and why?

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  • Students will refine & complete artistic work (Anchor Standard 3) to demonstrate skills and information that have been learned.

Today's Agenda

  1. Guided Instruction
    1. Warm-Up Review
    2. Homework Review
      1. Brainstorm 3 ideas for projects you can do in this class after the current project is completed.
    3. Project: Policies & Procedures Review
    4. Handing in work via Google Classroom
      1. As stated in the syllabus, digital files not handed in via Google Classroom are not counted.
      2. Never press "Mark as Done."
      3. Always be sure to attach a file BEFORE pressing the blue button.
        1. Once a file is attached, the text in the blue button will change.
      4. A file is handed in when the blue "Turn In" button turns into a white "Unsubmit" button.
      5. Work can be unsubmitted and resubmitted, but everything is timestamped and copies of previous submissions remain for the teacher to see.
    5. Project 2: Coding
      • ► 25% Project includes bug-free code created by the student, rather than copy/pasted from other sources.
      • ►25% Project contains a minimum of 25 lines of code. [Class Choice]
      • ►25% Project is a 1:00-2:30  minute song (Sonic-Pi) or interactive (Scratch). [Class Choice]
      • ►25% Project contains characters. [Class Choice]
  2. Independent Work
    1. Homework & Journal Checks
    2. Project Pre-Production
      1. Include brainstorming, script writing, thumbnail sketches, and/or other applicable details in your journal.
    3. Project Production & Post-Production
      1. Dependant on project scope determined by student.
    1. Give three examples of constructive criticism. (Ex: "I think if you recorded with the camera closer to the actor, the background noise might not drown them out as much.")