Hello everyone, this is the week where we will be turning in our audio projects. Some of you have finished and others have not. Keep in mind this will be the last week to complete it. I will show off how to turn it in in class, but here's the steps for those that need it again:
1) Give your Project a name. If you worked with others, include everyone's first name in the name. You can do this by clicking where it says "Untitled" at the top right of the screen.
2) At the top right of the screen, there is a "Share button". Click that and then add my name ainsworth.williams or click it once it appears on the drop down. If you don't see my name let me know asap, even via e-mail (ainsworth.williams@pgcps.org) if you need to. Once my name is enter, hit the "invite" button.
3) After that, I also want you to submit the file of the work in Canvas. To do this, go to the top left and click File, then Download. It will save the file to your computer. Then you simply go to the assignment "1st Audio Project Submission" and follow the steps there to turn it in on Canvas.
For those that are wondering, here's the instructions on 1st Audio Project Submission: