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Our 2nd semester will focus more on coding than media creation, though we will have other lessons sprinkled in.

Regardless of the lesson, should be your destination every time you come into class. This space will be used to provide announcements, lessons, and other resources.

  1. Objective:
    1. Students will be able to:
      • Use a conditional statement to check for a winning score
      • Use a variable that stores information and changes over time
  2. Announcements:
    1. The last day for late work is Thursday, March 20th!

      1. This deadline is 2 weeks before the end of the Quarter. That time is needed to ensure all late work handed in before then is graded in a timely fashion.
      2. For the last 2 weeks of the Quarter, all assignments must be handed in on the day they're assigned unless there is an excused absence on file.
    2. Previous Lessons: Lesson 3, Lesson 4, Lesson 5 & Quiz 1, Lesson 6
  3. Today's Lesson: Lesson 7: Variables as Score
    1. Vocabulary:
      1. Algorithm - A list of steps to complete a task.
      2. Behavior - An action that a sprite performs continuously until it’s told to stop.
      3. Condition - A statement that a program checks to see if it is true or false. If true, an action is taken. Otherwise, the action is ignored.
      4. Conditionals - Statements that only run under certain conditions.
      5. Event - An action that causes something to happen.
      6. Loop - The action of doing something over and over again.
      7. Modify - make partial or minor changes to something, typically so as to improve it
      8. Sprite - A graphic on the screen with a location, size, and appearance.
      9. Variable - Variables store information (data). The value stored in a variable can be updated throughout a program.
    2. Today's lesson will be completed in, which you should log into through Clever.
      1. YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THE PREVIOUS LESSONS BEFORE MOVING ON TO THIS ONE! (You'll have a lower grade and harder work if you skip lessons.)
        1. There are twelve (12) levels for this lesson. You will need to COMPLETE (PERFECT) levels one thru ten (1-10) by meeting the objectives in each portion.
        2. As before, levels labeled "Free Play" are rewards and will not be graded.
      2. You will know the level is completed because it will have turned a SOLID, BRIGHT GREEN.
      3. If the Level is a pale green or only outlined with green, you will not earn credit for completing it. Revisit the assignment and see what you're missing.
  4. This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. Please stay on task to complete this work.