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  1. We will again be working in Google Classroom. To access it you will need to use your PGCPS Gmail Login.
    1. Today is not about checking your email, though. Remember to use the "waffle"
  2. We'll be discussing camera angles and shots.
    1. Extreme Close Up
    2. Close Up
    3. Medium Shot
    4. Long Shot
    5. Extreme Long Shot
    6. Establishing Shot
  3. Finally, we'll be revising our scripts to improving the timing and add in the blocking.Revised Script Rubric:
    25% ► Script contains enough dialogue to fill a video that is 30 seconds Total Run Time (TRT).
    25% ► Script is for a Public Service Announcement (PSA).
    25% ► Main idea is supported with shot types and blocking.
    25% ► Script is relatively free of grammar and spelling errors.