Today's Agenda:
- Announcements
- Audio Lesson 1, Audio Lesson 2, Audio Lesson 3, Audio Lesson 4, and Audio Lesson 5 are now PAST DUE.
- Video Lesson 1 is now PAST DUE. Today's work is impossible without it.
- You get two attempts per project, but if nothing's there when I grade it THAT COUNTS as the first attempt!
- NO late work will be accepted after October 19th (2 weeks before the end of the Quarter.) To allow late work later than that would not give me time to grade it.
- Today's Lesson: Video 2: Magic Trick Storyboard
- Grading Rubric:
4 Points Storyboard dialogue has very few spelling and/or grammatical errors and is NOT contained in word bubbles. 3 Points Storyboard has the magician complete a single "trick" where an object appears, disappears, or turns into another object. 3 Points Storyboard has the same setting and actor in each panel. - Today, Mr. Smith will show you how to use Google Slides to make a storyboard.
- Follow Mr. Smith's directions to create a storyboard based on your script from Video 1.
- Click the "Share" button in the top, right corner.
Click the text at the bottom where it says "PGCPS" so that anyone with the link can view your storyboard.
Click the "copy link" button. - Paste your link in this Canvas assignment.
- Click with 2 fingers in the text box and you can paste your link!
- Add a space after your link and your peers will be able to click the link to see your work!
- You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
- Click the "Share" button in the top, right corner.
- Grading Rubric: