Today's Agenda:
- Announcements
- Audio Lesson 1, Audio Lesson 2, Audio Lesson 3, Audio Lesson 4, and Audio Lesson 5 are now PAST DUE.
- Video Lesson 1, Video Lesson 2, and Video Lesson 3 are now PAST DUE.
- You get two attempts per project, but if nothing's there when I grade it THAT COUNTS as the first attempt!
- NO late work will be accepted after October 19th (2 weeks before the end of the Quarter.) To allow late work later than that would not give me time to grade it.
- Today's Lesson: Video 4: Magic Trick Edit (1 of 2)
- NOTE: You are NOT expected to hand in a finished, edited video today! This lesson has intentionally been split into two parts.
- Grading Rubric: (For Video 5)
4 Points Video is easy to see and audio is easy to hear. 3 Points Video uses an edit to create a magic trick. 3 Points Video has a title and credits. - Today, we are going to continue using WeVideo. All the steps for today are explained in this video.
- Watch your recording!
- The easiest way to record it was out of order, but now we need to put it in order so it makes sense!
- Follow Mr. Smith's directions for moving the playhead to where you want to make cuts.
- Move the clips so they're in the right order!
- Delete any fragments or flubs that don't belong in your finished video!
- Watch your edit so far!
- Are you happy with it?
- Is there anything you'd like to change?
- Follow Mr. Smith's directions for adding a title at the beginning and credits at the end.
- Even if you're the only person who worked on it, YOUR NAME should be in the credits!
- These video tutorials can help if you're stuck on a certain part:
- WeVideo - Recording (2:39)
- WeVideo - Cuts (1:56)
- WeVideo - Export (5:45)
- When your video is complete, you should click the "Download" button underneath it to get a file you can hand in.
- You will be handing in this downloaded file for Video 5.
- Click the "Reply" button in Canvas and share something you noticed when using WeVideo today.
- Proofread your sentences and press the button to hand them in.
- Grading Rubric: (For Video 5)
- You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 5/5 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
- NOTE: You are NOT expected to hand in a finished, edited video today! This lesson has intentionally been split into two parts.