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Today's Agenda:

  1. Today's Lesson: Audio 1: 3 Sentence Story
    1. Today we begin our journey of learning to plan, record, and edit digital media.Grading Rubric:
      4 Points Story has very few spelling and/or grammatical errors. Proofread!
      3 Points Story is 3 sentences long.
      3 Points Story has a beginning, middle, and end.

      To begin, we need a story.

      Possible story hooks:

      • What did you do during vacation?
      • A comet is heading towards Earth! What does the superhero do to stop it?
      • The athlete works to win a sporting event!

      You aren't limited to just these 3 hooks, but consider them if you're having trouble thinking of a starting point.

      Next, we'll need to plan the beginning, middle and end of your story. To make this more challenging, you will need to write your story with only 3 sentences.

      With only 3 sentences to tell the whole story, you'll have to be very concise with your details. 

      1. Type in the text box in Canvas.
      2. The first sentence should be the beginning of the story. Does it mention the main character? Does it mention the event taking place? It should do at least one or the other.
      3. The last sentence (Yes, we're skipping to the end.) should reveal how everything works out. How did the athlete win? How did the superhero stop the comet?
      4. The middle sentence should be your bridge from the first sentence to the last. What happened in-between those events?
      5. Proofread your sentences and press the button to hand them in. 
      1. You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
        1. No attempts will be accepted after 01-05-2024 (2 weeks before the end of 2nd Quarter) so that there is time to grade all work before the Report Card window closes.