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Today's lesson is a critique lesson!Details:

  1. You are allowed to vote once per day per category.
  2. You are allowed to share this link with others.
  3. Scoring Rubric
    1. Power of the Story (15 pts – 75%)Does the film convey a story that is compelling and addresses the theme and/or fits related category? This represents 75% of your score, and you are encouraged to spend plenty of time crafting your script and getting feedback from others.
    2. Technical Aspects (3 pts – 15%)
      The focus here is on meeting basic concerns (appropriate lighting, spoken audio that can be easily understood, balanced volume, etc.). While exceptionally well-produced films do have a small advantage, the key issues are the clarity, creativity, and compelling nature of your story.
    3. Titles and Citations (2 pts – 10%)
      Does the film include the use of titles and citations and make it clear for the viewer who is responsible for what is used? Note that if it is unclear that something has been cited (music that isn’t explained in the credits, for example), the film will not be judged.