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Good morning, 3rd & 4th Grade!

This week's work builds on the planning that you completed last week.

➤Your work from Week 3 is ESSENTIAL for completing the work for Week 4. If you skipped it, go back and do that now!
➤This project will be REALLY CONFUSING if you don't watch the video I recorded for you called "Foulois Intermediate Tech Lesson due 5/8."
➤You do NOT need to make BOTH a Google Slide game and a Twine game. You're picking ONE of them.
➤For instructions on how to hand in a Google Slide game, use the video called "Hand in work to Google Classroom from your Google Drive."
➤For instructions on how to upload a downloaded Twine game, use the video called "how to upload a file in google classroom."

Useful links: