- Label a page in your notebook "Vocabulary." Copy down the vocab words at the front of the room, leaving space between them for definitions to be added later.
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Students will be able to:
- Communicate and collaborate with classmates in order to solve a problem
- Iteratively improve a solution to a problem
- Identify different strategies used to solve a problem
Today's Agenda
- Welcome!
- Syllabus
- Notebooks
- Bring EVERY day, with enough paper in it and enough writing utensils for it to be useful. This WILL be checked.
- Phones
- You will not need them in this class.
- Put away IMMEDIATELY if given a warning.
- In your lap is not "away." On the desk is not "away." Under a book is not "away." These locations mean you've ignored the warning.
- After the warning. your phone WILL be confiscated.
- You will not need them in this class.
- Absences and Tardies
- If you miss a day, that day's work is a zero.
- This includes project due dates/critiques.
- Ms. Holmes needs the information to have the absence marked as excused or the grade will remain a zero.
- If you are tardy (arriving to class after 2:30) without a note, any work missed is a zero.
- No, I will not send you back out of the room to get a note. You'll miss more class time if I do that.
- "Our teacher let us out late" only counts as an excused tardy if the teacher writes you a note or if they stop by the room to inform me. I will not take a student's word for this.
- If you miss a day, that day's work is a zero.
- Notebooks
- Restrooms
- ALWAYS ask first.
- Do not assume that because you're "in line" to use the restroom that you don't have to ask.
- Permission will NEVER be given during the first or last 15 minutes of class. That is not my rule to ignore.
- You have 5 minutes.
- Taking longer than 5 minutes will count as loitering.
- ALWAYS ask first.
- Computers
- Significant changes have been made from last year. I am actively trying to replace the older computers in this room.
- Please be mindful of the other users of these computers.
- Do not move headsets to other computers, change desktop images/screensavers.
- Separate accounts might be created for students based on need and behavior.
Learning Opportunities
- Online
- Join Google Classroom
- Find CS Discoveries course in code.org (Sign in using Clever.pgcps.org!)
- Take the Pre-Course survey in Code.org.
- Unplugged
- "Boat Building" group activity.
- Exit Ticket
- What, besides a grade, do you expect to get out of this class?
- 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.