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  • Label a page in your notebook "Vocabulary." Copy down the vocab words at the front of the room, leaving space between them for definitions to be added later.

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Communicate and collaborate with classmates in order to solve a problem
    • Iteratively improve a solution to a problem
    • Identify different strategies used to solve a problem

Today's Agenda


  1. Welcome!
  2. Syllabus
    1. Notebooks
      1. Bring EVERY day, with enough paper in it and enough writing utensils for it to be useful. This WILL be checked.
    2. Phones
      1. You will not need them in this class.
        1. Put away IMMEDIATELY if given a warning.
        2. In your lap is not "away." On the desk is not "away." Under a book is not "away." These locations mean you've ignored the warning.
      2. After the warning. your phone WILL be confiscated.
    3. Absences and Tardies
      1. If you miss a day, that day's work is a zero.
        1. This includes project due dates/critiques.
        2. Ms. Holmes needs the information to have the absence marked as excused or the grade will remain a zero.
      2. If you are tardy (arriving to class after 2:30) without a note, any work missed is a zero.
        1. No, I will not send you back out of the room to get a note. You'll miss more class time if I do that.
        2. "Our teacher let us out late" only counts as an excused tardy if the teacher writes you a note or if they stop by the room to inform me. I will not take a student's word for this.
  3. Restrooms
    1. ALWAYS ask first.
      1. Do not assume that because you're "in line" to use the restroom that you don't have to ask.
      2. Permission will NEVER be given during the first or last 15 minutes of class. That is not my rule to ignore.
    2. You have 5 minutes.
      1. Taking longer than 5 minutes will count as loitering.
  4. Computers
    1. Significant changes have been made from last year. I am actively trying to replace the older computers in this room.
    2. Please be mindful of the other users of these computers.
      1. Do not move headsets to other computers, change desktop images/screensavers.
    3. Separate accounts might be created for students based on need and behavior.

Learning Opportunities

  1. Online
    1. Join Google Classroom
    2. Find CS Discoveries course in (Sign in using!)
    3. Take the Pre-Course survey in
  2. Unplugged
    1. "Boat Building" group activity.
  3. Exit Ticket
    1. What, besides a grade, do you expect to get out of this class?
    1. 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.