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  • What is unique about each of the 4 steps in the problem solving process? (Define, Prepare, Reflect, Try)

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  • Students will be able to:

    • Identify a computer as a machine that processes information
    • Provide a high level description of the different parts of the Input - Output - Store - Process model of a computer
    • Identify the inputs and outputs of common computing devices
    • Select the inputs and outputs used to perform common computing tasks

Today's Agenda


  1. Notebooks (There will be a check today.)
  2. Computers

Learning Opportunities

    1. Join Google Classroom
    2. Find CS Discoveries course in (Sign in using!)
    3. Take the Pre-Course survey in
  2. Unplugged
    1. The Problem Solving Process
      1. Define, Prepare, Reflect, Try
      2. If the step you take can be described as "the same," you didn't do that step.
      3. Group Activity: Identifying examples of each step.
    2. What is a computer?
      1. A device that can process (not just store) information.
    3. Inputs and Outputs
      1. Group Activity: Identifying Inputs and Outputs in common devices.
  3. Exit Ticket
    1. Why are we spending so much time on problem solving BEFORE we use the computers?
    1. 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
    2. 09-06: Define Algorithm and Website on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
    3. 09-10: Define Website Content and HTML on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.