- What is unique about each of the 4 steps in the problem solving process? (Define, Prepare, Reflect, Try)
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Students will be able to:
- Identify a computer as a machine that processes information
- Provide a high level description of the different parts of the Input - Output - Store - Process model of a computer
- Identify the inputs and outputs of common computing devices
- Select the inputs and outputs used to perform common computing tasks
Today's Agenda
- Notebooks (There will be a check today.)
- Computers
Learning Opportunities
- Join Google Classroom
- Find CS Discoveries course in code.org (Sign in using Clever.pgcps.org!)
- Take the Pre-Course survey in Code.org.
- Unplugged
- The Problem Solving Process
- Define, Prepare, Reflect, Try
- If the step you take can be described as "the same," you didn't do that step.
- Group Activity: Identifying examples of each step.
- What is a computer?
- A device that can process (not just store) information.
- Inputs and Outputs
- Group Activity: Identifying Inputs and Outputs in common devices.
- The Problem Solving Process
- Exit Ticket
- Why are we spending so much time on problem solving BEFORE we use the computers?
- 09-04: Define Input and Output on your vocabulary page in your notebook.
- 09-06: Define Algorithm and Website on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.
- 09-10: Define Website Content and HTML on your vocabulary page in your notebook, as well as the previous vocab words if you have not done them.