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Warm-Up: Get ready for Kahoot!

  • We start at 2:40. I will not be waiting until everyone joins.
  • If the room gets too loud, I'll assume everyone's ready.


  1. ELO
      1. DO NOT plan on staying after school with me this Thursday.
      2. Have a relaxing Winter Break.
  2. RevisedĀ MP3s
    1. Still grading.
  3. Film Festival
    1. Midterm (100 point Assessment), due January 13th WITH NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED!
    2. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
    3. Sitting for an hour with nothing beyond a category selected is not "planning."
  4. Due 12/23/2016
    1. Revised Major Video (If applicable)
      1. OneĀ email received. I'm assuming the rest of your parents are OK with your scores.
    2. Homework (Social issue)
  5. Due Today
    1. I'll tell you in class when we get to that part.