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CS Discoveries, 11-25-2024

  2. Objective:
    1. Students will add images to their websites to show they understand how to manage image HTML and CSS code.
  3. Warm-Up:
    1. Add the following HTML code to your notes:
    2. Add the following CSS code to your notes:
    3. Warm-Ups are usually a 5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or re-submission.
  4. Deadlines: (Content is subject to change due to various factors.)

    1. Warm-Ups: Due daily
    2. Week 4 Assignments Due 11-26 (1 day)
      1. Lesson 8: Using Images
      2. Lesson 9: Styling Elements with CSS
      3. Grading Rubric:
        • 6 pts: Screenshots uploaded showing code on one side and how the code looks in a web browser on the other side.
        • 1 pt: Webpage uses style.css to have a background color other than white with minimal errors.
        • 1 pt: Webpage uses style.css to have all the text be a color other than the default with minimal errors.
        • 1 pt: Webpage uses style.css to have ALL images go to the right of the page with minimal errors.
        • 1 pt: Webpage's images are properly named, HTML code includes alt tags with minimal errors.
        • -10 pts: Any screenshot includes an image that was not used with permission. (A missing citation = a missing grade.)
      4. Permitted image sources (provided a citation is included):
      5. Week 4 Exit Ticket Cancelled
    3. Week 5 Assignments Due 12-05 (2 days)
      1. Lesson 10: Mini-Project: Adding Style to a Web Page
      2. Lesson 11: CSS Classes
      3. Week 5 Exit Ticket
    4. Week 6 Assignments Due 12-13 (3 days)
      1. Lesson 12: Organizing Content with Flexbox
      2. Lesson 13: Flexbox Children for More Control
      3. Lesson 14: Chapter 1 Project (begin)
      4. Week 6 Exit Ticket
    5. Week 7 Assignments Due 12-19 (2 days)
      1. Lesson 14: Chapter 1 Project (finish)
      2. Lesson 16: Sources and Research
      3. Week 7 Exit Ticket
    6. Week 8 Assignments Due 01-10 (3 days)
      1. Lesson 17: Linking Pages
      2. Lesson 18: CSS Pseudo-classes
      3. Week 8 Exit Ticket
    7. Week 9 Assignments Due 01-16 (2 days)
      1. Lesson 19: Planning a Multi-Page Site
      2. Lesson 20: Project - Website for a Purpose (begin)
      3. Week 9 Exit Ticket
    8. Week 10 Assignments Due 01-21 (1 day)
      1. Lesson 20: Project - Website for a Purpose (finish)
  5. Exit Ticket
    1. This week's Exit Ticket is canceled. Exit tickets will resume in December.