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3rd Grade, Davis, 08-30


Our 1st semester will focus on media creation, while or 2nd semester will focus more on coding.

Regardless of the lesson, should be your destination every time you come into class. This space will be used to provide announcements, lessons, and other resources.

  1. Objective:
    1. Students will record their prepared scripts to learn the steps required to record and edit audio.
  2. Announcements:
    1. No late work for this Quarter will be accepted after Thursday, October 17th!
      1. This deadline is 2 weeks before the end of the Quarter. That time is needed to ensure all late work handed in before then is graded in a timely fashion.
    2. Audio 1 is graded! If you want a higher grade, you'll have to resubmit it ASAP!
  1. Today's Lesson:
    1. Audio 2: Record & Edit
      1. Grading Rubric:
        4 Points Recording is free of misspoken words and "verbal filler" like "um," "uh," and so on.
        6 Points Story is 3 sentences, with a beginning, middle, and end.

        Last class, you were given the task of writing a 3 sentence story.

        Today, we're going to record it.

      2. Be mindful of your classmates.
        1. There are many of you in this room who will be recording at the same time.
        2. Have your script ready to go before you record!
          1. Read through it a few times first to make sure you've practiced it.
        3. In class, we will be using a program called Tenacity. It's new to the lab this year but very useful. The video will go into showing you how to use it.
        4. Are you completing this at home and remember WeVideo from last year? Use the link in this Canvas assignment to set up your WeVideo account!
          1. Unlike previous years, no code is needed. Using this link and logging in with your PGCPS Gmail account is all that's needed to set up your Pro subscription for this year.
          2. Once logged in, you will be in our Foulois WeVideo class.
          3.  Use these video tutorial linked at the top of this posting if you get stuck.
          4.  REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE EXPORTING AUDIO ONLY! This will not be a video project.
          5. With your audio exported, go to Canvas to upload your file. IT WILL ONLY UPLOAD IF YOU FOLLOWED DIRECTIONS AND CREATED AN MP3 AUDIO FILE.
    2. You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
    3. This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. Please stay on task to complete this work by the end of class!