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5th Grade, Green’s HR, 06-04-2024

THIS VIDEO EXPLAINS TODAY'S EXPECTATIONS! (81 days until the 1st day of next school year!) (We have only 3 classes together before the end of this course.)
Today's Agenda:

  1. Announcements:
    1. No late work for 4th Quarter is being accepted! The deadline was Friday, May 31st!
      1. This deadline was 2 weeks before the end of 4th Quarter. This time is needed to ensure all late work handed in before then is graded in a timely fashion.
      2. Lesson 2 was due on 4/2. Lesson 3 was due on 4/5. Lesson 4 was due on 4/11. Lesson 5 was due on 4/16. Lesson 7 was due on 4/19. Lesson 8 was due on 4/24. Lesson 9 was due on 4/29. Lesson 10 was due on 5/07. Lesson 11 was due on 5/10. Lesson 13 was due on 5/16. Coding Vocab 1 Quiz was due on 5/21. Coding Vocab 2 Quiz was due on 5/30. Coding Vocab 3 Quiz was due on 6/4.
  2. Today's Quiz: Coding Vocabulary 3

    1. We will complete this quiz together in class.
  3. Today's Lesson: MineTest Build-Off
    1. Today's lesson will be completed in MineTest, which I have installed on the Lab computers.
      1. You will be in Creative Mode for this lesson, giving you access to flying as well as all of the block types.
      2. A series of objects will be randomly selected. You will have 5 minutes to build an in-game representation of this object.
      3. After the build time expires, a tour will be made around the build area to show off what was done.
    2. You MUST NOT mess with any other students. Doing so can get you banned from the server. This includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Getting in the other student's way when they are placing blocks.
      2. Destroying blocks that are part of their build.
      3. Throwing things at other students.
      4. Spawning creatures that do any of the things above.
    3. This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. (The MineTest server cannot be logged into outside of the computer lab.) Please stay on task to complete this work by the end of class!