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Media Arts Majors, 05-31-2024

THIS VIDEO GOES OVER TODAY'S EXPECTATIONS! (85 days until the 1st day of next school year!) (Barring additional All Major Days but including the one for Field Day, we will have 7 more classes together this year.)

  1. Warm-Up: 
    1. 2024-05-31 Warm-Up: Check your grade for this class in SchoolMax.
      1. Your average will determine what you're allowed to work on today.
    2. Warm-Ups are usually a 5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or re-submission.
  2. Monthly Incentives
    1. Monthly Media Arts Incentive:
      1. "Arcade Day" at the end of the month.
        1. May's Arcade Day is scheduled for 05-31-2024.
        2. Rescheduled to Friday by student vote.
      2. Students remain eligible unless a Notice of Concern has been earned that month for grades or behavior, though a student who missed out from low grades can earn back their Arcade Day privileges if they bring their grade back up.
        1. Check SchoolMax - if your avg is 70% or above, you're probably eligible.
      3. Ineligible students should be working on a project re-submission or their next project.
  3. Arcade Day Project: Historical Netiquette Poster

    1. This video shows directions for how to complete this project using Inkscape. (You may use other image editors, but Inkscape is recommended as it's free and installed on most of the lab computers.)"Too many Google Search results show copyrighted images. If you want to find an image licensed for reuse, use one of the approved sources Mr. Smith shared with you." -Harriet Tubman
    2. This is an in class assignment, due before you leave the room.

      1. This assignment will count as extra credit in SchoolMax.
      2. It is REQUIRED if your average is below 70%.
      3. It is optional if your average is above 70%.
      4. As a 1 day assignment given towards the end of the Quarter, this is not eligible for late submission or re-submission.
    3. Rubric:
      1. 5 pts: Image includes a PUBLIC DOMAIN image of a historical figure, with source attribution.
        1. (Without source attribution, how will we know it's public domain?)
        2. Good sources include WIkimedia Commons and Smithsonian Open Access.
      2. 5 pts: Image includes a FAKE quote attributed to the historical figure that gives good advice concerting netiquette, internet safety, or copyright law.
        1. (Most historical figures died long before the internet, so the quote will have to be fake. The advice given should still be good advice.)
      3. 5 pts: Poster should include the student's name to provide proper attribution to the student's hard work.
        1. (These posters will be printed and put on display.)
      4. 5 pts: Poster text should be easy to read if printed in black and white.
        1. (Black text on a white background, white text on a black background, no text over a "busy" background that has a variety of lights and darks without putting some kind of bordering around the text to make it stand out.)
  4. Additional Calendar Entries
    1. 6/4: T-Shirt Printing Day
      1. Bring a blank, black shirt.
      2. Use masking tape to label it with your name so it isn't confused with someone else's shirt.
    2. 6/4: Chromebook Collection (Grades 2 & 8)
    3. 6/6: Chromebook Collection (Grades 6 & 7)
    4. 6/6: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
    5. 6/7: Field Day (K-7) & Hershey Trip (8th) (All Major Day)
  5. Exit Ticket
    1. 2024-05-28 to 2024-05-31 Exit Ticket
      1. 4 pts Proofread your work.
        3 pts What did you accomplish in Media Arts this week?
        3 pts What did you learn in Media Arts this week?
      2. NOTE: If you do not describe WHAT you did while working on your project, saying you worked on it is not enough information to earn credit.
    2. Exit Tickets are always 10 point Classwork grades and not eligible for late submission or re-submission. They are due during the last 10 minutes of the last class of the week.