THIS VIDEO EXPLAINS TODAY'S EXPECTATIONS! (85 days until the 1st day of next school year!) (We have 4 classes left in this course!)
Today's Agenda:
- Announcements:
- No late work for 4th Quarter will be accepted after Friday, May 31st!
*~*~*~*~*~THAT'S TODAY!~*~*~*~*~*
- This deadline is 2 weeks before the end of 4th Quarter. That time is needed to ensure all late work handed in before then is graded in a timely fashion.
- Lesson 3 was due on 04/03. Lesson 5 was due on 4/08. Lesson 6 was due on 4/12. Lesson 7 was due on 4/17. Lesson 8 was due on 4/22. Lesson 9 was due on 4/30. Lesson 10 was due on 5/08. Lesson 11 was due on 5/13. Lesson 13 and Quiz 2 were due on 5/17. Lesson 14 was due on 5/22. Lesson 15 was due on 5/28.
- Today's Lesson: 100 Block MineTest House
- Today's lesson will be completed in MineTest, which I have installed on the Lab computers.
- To begin today's work, you will need to complete ALL missing work.
- The smallest unfinished assignment is worth more in SchoolMax than the MineTest activity. Prioritize your grades!
- If you complete your work during class today, you will have to show Mr. Smith in order to move on to the MineTest activity.
- Mr. Smith will show the class how to log in, and the basic rules you are expected to follow.
- We are beginning our unit in Creative Mode, with damage turned off.
- Each of you will make a 10x10 foundation in which you are asked to build a "starter base." A sign in front of it should designate that it's yours.
- You can build up as high as you want, but not down.
- You may not build a house that is wider than your 10x10 foundation in any direction (North, South, East, or West), though it may be narrower than that.
- You MUST NOT mess with any other students. Doing so can get you banned from the server. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Getting in the other student's way when they are placing blocks.
- Destroying blocks that are part of their build.
- Throwing things at other students.
- Spawning creatures that do any of the things above.
- This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. (The MineTest server cannot be logged into outside of the computer lab.) Please stay on task to complete this work by the end of class!