THIS VIDEO EXPLAINS TODAY'S EXPECTATIONS! (127 days until the 1st day of next school year!)
Today's Agenda:
- Announcements:
- No late work for 4th Quarter will be accepted after Friday, May 31st!
- Today's Lesson: Lesson 7: Text and Prompts
- Today's lesson will be completed in, which you should log into through Clever.
- There is a known bug where sometimes it will log you in through Google instead.
- You'll know this has happened because you won't see our class (51-Elem Media Arts 2023-2024) listed near the bottom of your Dashboard.
- If this happens, I cannot track your progress and you'll get a zero for the lesson.
- To fix this, log out of and log back in through Clever.
- Remember to not start today's lesson until all previous lessons have been completed! Each lesson builds up the skills needed for the next one.
- This lesson has nine (9) Levels. (I will frequently call them "Bubbles" as that's what I've been calling them with my younger students.)
- The first is a "Prediction" Level, where you are shown code and asked to guess what it does before running the code.
- Level 2 is a video that we will watch together in class.
- Levels 3-8 are linked together. Remember to not delete your working code as you'll have to start over again, likely from Level 3.
- Level 9 is a "Practice" Level with 7 options. You may do all of them, but only one (1) is required to earn credit.
- This lesson has nine (9) Levels. (I will frequently call them "Bubbles" as that's what I've been calling them with my younger students.)
- This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. Please stay on task to complete this work by the end of class!
- (There is nothing to complete in Canvas, I will be checking your work via
- Today's lesson will be completed in, which you should log into through Clever.