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3rd Grade, Smith’s HR, 04-03-2024

Today's Agenda:

  1. Announcements:
    1. No late work for 4th Quarter will be accepted after Friday, May 31st!
      1. This deadline is 2 weeks before the end of 4th Quarter. That time is needed to ensure all late work handed in before then is graded in a timely fashion.
  2. Today's Lesson: Lesson 3: Introduction to Online Puzzles
    1. levels should be completed in, which you should log into through Clever.
    2. There is a known bug where sometimes it will log you in through Google instead.
    3. You'll know this has happened because you won't see our class (31-Elem Media Arts (2023-2024)) listed near the bottom of your Dashboard.
    4. If this happens, I cannot track your progress and you'll get a zero for the lesson.
    5. To fix this, log out of and log back in through Clever.
    6. There are ten (10) levels (though I tend to call them bubbles) for this lesson. You will need to COMPLETE (PERFECT) at least seven (7) of the bubbles by meeting the objectives in each portion.
      1. (Levels 8, 9, & 10 are CHALLENGE Levels. You should try them, but they're extra credit.)
    7. You will know the bubble is completed because it will have turned a SOLID, BRIGHT GREEN.
    8. If the bubble is a pale green or only outlined with green, you will not earn credit for completing it. Revisit the assignment and see what you're missing.
    9. This is an IN-CLASS assignment, NOT HOMEWORK. Please stay on task to complete this work.
      1. Anything not done in class can be completed outside of class, but at that point it is past due MAKE-UP work!