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Media Arts Majors, 03-15-2024


  1. Warm-Up: 
    1. 2024-03-15 Warm-Up: Lessons Learned
      1. Take a moment to list media arts skills you have now that you've learned or improved upon since your first day in this major.
      2. Using bullet points or a numbered list for your formatting is recommended.
      3. This is an opportunity to show off, make use of it.
    2. Warm-Ups are usually a 5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or re-submission.
  2. Monthly Incentives
    1. Monthly Media Arts Incentive:
      1. "Arcade Day" at the end of the month.
        1. March's Arcade Day is scheduled for 03/21/2024.
      2. Students remain eligible unless a Notice of Concern has been earned that month for grades or behavior, though a student who missed out from low grades can earn back their Arcade Day privileges if they bring their grade back up.
        1. Check SchoolMax - if your avg is 70% or above, you're probably eligible.
  3. Film Festival
    • The Countdown to the Film Festival Student Showcase has begun!
    • We will be hosting our 12th Annual Digital Film Festival VIRTUAL Student Showcase on Saturday, March 16, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
    • Here is the FLYER
    • Here is the link to our VOTING SITE or
    • This also begins our People's Choice Voting Window! The Online Voting Window will close at 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2024.
  4. Q3 Project 3 (Re-Submits Due 03-16)
  5. Q3 Project 4
    1. Student Choice, Due 03-15
      1. IMPORTANT: Due to its proximity to the end of Q3, this project is not eligible for re-submission! You have one shot to do well on this!
      2. Pre-Production Due 03-07
      3. Production Due 03-11
      4. Post-Production Due 03-13 (Hand in Project 4 TODAY!)
      5. "Put Out Fires" Day 05-15
        1. AH, CS, CM, EK, EP (both of them), IC, KG, NT, RC, TC, & TJ have handed in Q3P4.
        2. Still waiting on EA, GT, IB, JV, JM, KF, & PB as of 12:30 on 3/15.
        3. I am not sure why some of the "still waiting" list told Mr. Peacock they were all done with their work on Wednesday.
      6. Critique Day 03-19
  6. (Exit) Technical Assessments
    1. These are required for EVERY CPA/VPA discipline in each CPA/VPA school, though there are variations.
    2. 8th & 12 grade students take the ETA, as they are "exiting" the school.
    3. 6th & 7th grade students are taking a similar assessment, but it's called the TA as they are not yet exiting the program.
    4. The (E)TA consists of several parts:
      1. A quiz on camera shots.
      2. A quiz on other Media Arts vocabulary words.
      3. Viewing and evaluating the cinematography and effectiveness of a commercial.
      4. Self-critiquing/reviewing the Film Festival entry submitted this year.
      5. Self-critiquing/reviewing your favorite Media Arts project you made in all your years as a Media Arts major.
      6. Providing reflections on your time in the CPA Media Arts program.
    5. This will NOT be completed in one sitting, but we will be starting part of it next week.
    6. We MUST have everything complete by April 20th. By doing one part per day, we'll hit that deadline.
  7. Q4 Project deadlines:
    1. Q4P1 (Student Choice): 04-19
    2. Q4P2 (Student Choice): 05-03
    3. Q4P3 (Student Choice): 05-17
    4. Q4P4 (Retrospective): 05-31
    5. Projects are 100 point Classwork grades, and are not eligible for late submission.
    6. Feedback from the critiques is provided in the Canvas assignment for that project.
    7. Projects are eligible for re-submission, but only once. They must be resubmitted using the same form as before, and no later than 10 days after feedback has been shared with them in Canvas.
    8. Deadlines for future projects are not adjusted. Students are encouraged to not put off starting Project 4 because they've decided to work on redoing Project 3 from scratch.
  8. Exit Ticket
    1. There will not be an Exit Ticket for today.
    2. Exit Tickets are always 10 point Classwork grades and not eligible for late submission or re-submission. They are due during the last 10 minutes of class.