Today's Agenda:
- Announcements
- Today's Lesson
- Audio 3: Podcast Script
- Note: Podcasting is one of the categories in the annual PGCPS Student Film Festival! Recordings that are well done may be considered for entry into the contest!
- Grading Rubric:
4 Points Podcast script has very few spelling and/or grammatical errors. Proofread! 3 Points Podcast script has music selected from the mp3 downloads list at, with its citation included as part of the script. 3 Points Written content and chosen music fit together well. -
- Before you write a podcast's script, you need to have a topic in mind. Common podcast topics include:
- Review of a movie or video game
- Commentary on a current event or events
- Advice on how to complete a task (tricky in an audio-only format)
- Creative storytelling
- You are not limited to these four topic examples, but they are there to help you brainstorm ideas. Your script should be about something interesting to you, that you want to share. The best podcasts out there are made by people who really care about what they're making.
- With your topic selected, use the text box in Canvas to write your script.
- Your script should have the following parts:
- Intro (What's the name of your show? What's your name? What's your show usually about? What's today's specific topic?)
- Body (Go into more detail on this episode's chosen topic, with an introductory paragraph, and conclusion, etc.)
- Outro (Wrap up, cite the music and any other sources you used, and say goodbye until next time.)
- Before finishing your outro, you'll need to find a song to add to your recording.
- Go to's mp3 Downloads section and scan through to find a song that you think fits with your script. This CAN be tricky, as you don't want a podcast where you're happy about a new game that just came out to have slow, sad violin music, and a script about a sad current event shouldn't have upbeat music.
- Each song has a citation with it that you can copy/paste into your script. Make sure to do that so it's easy for you to find your song during our next class when we're editing.
- Your script should have the following parts:
- Read your script out loud while using a timer. Your final recording will need to be between 1 minute and 5 minutes long. If it's too short, you didn't pick a topic interesting enough to inspire you. If it's too long, you should find a way to trim it down to roughly 4 1/2 minutes to make sure pausing too long during the actual recording doesn't take you over time.
- Proofread your script! If you're following the step above, you may have already noticed some spelling or grammatical errors. Fix them as you find them in order to avoid losing points later.
- Before you write a podcast's script, you need to have a topic in mind. Common podcast topics include:
- You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
- No attempts will be accepted after 01-05-2024 (2 weeks before the end of 2nd Quarter) so that there is time to grade all work before the Report Card window closes.
- Audio 3: Podcast Script