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5th Grade, Holmes’ HR, 10-06-2023


Today's Agenda:

  1. Announcements
    1. Audio Lesson 1, Audio Lesson 2, Audio Lesson 3, Audio Lesson 4 and Audio Lesson 5 are now PAST DUE.
    2. Video Lesson 1, Video Lesson 2, Video Lesson 3, and Video Lesson 4 are now PAST DUE. Today's work is impossible without prior assignments.
    3. You get two attempts per project, but if nothing's there when I grade it THAT COUNTS as the first attempt!
    4. NO late work will be accepted after October 19th (2 weeks before the end of the Quarter.) To allow late work later than that would not give me time to grade it.
  2. Today's Lesson: Video 5: Animation Edit (Part 2 of 2)
    1. REMINDER: Animation is one of the categories in the annual PGCPS Student Film Festival! Recordings that are well done may be considered for entry into the contest!
    2. Grading Rubric:
      4 Points Video is easy to see and audio is easy to hear.
      3 Points Video has one animal tell an animal themed joke to another animal, and includes the other animal's reaction.
      3 Points Video has a title and credits that cite your art source. ("Art is used with permission from")
      1. Today, we are going to continue using WeVideo.
      2. Watch your edit so far!
        1. Are you happy with it?
        2. Is there anything you'd like to change?
      3. Follow Mr. Smith's directions for adding a title at the beginning and credits at the end.
        1. Even if you're the only person who worked on it, YOUR NAME should be in the credits!
        2. Mr. Smith may have found your art for you, but you still need to cite it! Include "Images from, used with permission." in your credits!
      4. Follow Mr. Smith's directions for exporting your work.
        1. WeVideo - ExportLinks to an external site. (5:45)
      5. Click the "Reply" button in Canvas and upload your exported video here so everyone can see it!
      1. You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.