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CS Discoveries, 09-13-2023

Today's to-do list includes the following items:

    1. Announcements:
      1. Unit 2 Lesson 2 is graded in Canvas!
        1. If you did not earn a 4/4, your mission is to complete the following tasks:
          1. Read the comment I left for you in Canvas. It briefly explains what cost you points.
          2. Go to the assignment in Code.orgLinks to an external site. and fix whatever needs fixing. For many of you, it will be as simple as copy/pasting some code into the right spot.
          3. Return to the assignment in Canvas and use the space at the bottom to tell me that you're ready for me to grade your revised attempt. I WILL NOT CHECK THIS ASSIGNMENT AGAIN UNLESS YOU TELL ME THERE THAT YOU'RE READY FOR ME TO DO SO! 

          You get one attempt to fix your work. Make it count.

  1. Warm-Up: 
    1. Complete today's Vocabulary Quiz in Canvas.
    2. Warm-Ups are usually a 4-5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
  2. Vocabulary: (Be prepared for quizzes using these terms.)
    1. Heading - A title or summary for a document or section of a document.
    2. List - allows web developers to group a set of related items
  3. Introduced Code: (Be prepared for quizzes using these terms.)
    1. <h1></h1>
    2. <li></li>
    3. <ol></ol>
    4. <ul></ul>
  4. Class Activities:
    1. Unit 2 Lesson 3: Headings and Lists
      1. Handouts:
        1. Formatting HTML (.pdf document)
        2. Headings and Paragraphs (.pdf document)
        3. Lists (.pdf document)
        4. How To Debug (2:12 YouTube video)
      2. Assignment:
        1. There are 9 Levels (bubbles) on under Unit 2 Lesson 3. Bubbles 4 and 8 include assessments.
          1. Video directions: Bubble 1, Bubble 2, Bubble 3, Bubble 4, Bubble 5, Bubble 6, Bubble 7, Bubble 8, Bubble 9
        2. Your work will be checked in! For this assignment, use Canvas to let Mr. Smith know your work is ready to be checked.
        3. Each Level builds up skills needed to understand how to complete the assessment. Skip at your own risk.
        4. Level 8 is assessed using the following rubric:
          1. Extensive Evidence (4 points)
            All content is contained in tags, uses paragraph tags, multiple sized headings, and at least one list in a logically consistent way.
          2. Convincing Evidence (3 points)
            All content is contained in tags, uses paragraph, heading tags, and a list in a reasonable way.
          3. Limited Evidence (2 points)
            Most content is contained in tags. At least one heading tag is used.
          4. No Evidence (1 point)
            Little or no content is contained in tags.
          5. No Attempt (0 points)
            There may be evidence that the level was observed, but no evidence that the level was attempted.