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3rd Grade, Torchiano’s HR, 09-12-2023

microphoneToday's Agenda:

  1. Announcements
    1. Audio Lesson 1 and Audio Lesson 2 are now PAST DUE. You can still hand them in, but we only meet for 14 days this Quarter (It would have been 15, but the Pep Rally took one) and do not have the time to pause instruction.
  2. Today's Lesson
    1. Begin by completing Audio 1: Haiku.
    2. When you've shown Mr. Smith your completed script, he'll hand you a microphone to complete Audio 2: Record & Edit Haiku.
    3. Only with both of these done should you be moving on to Audio 3: 6 Sound Story Script!
  3. Audio 3: 6 Sound Story Script
    1. Grading Rubric:
      4 Points Story has very few spelling and/or grammatical errors. Proofread!
      3 Points Story uses 3 of the 6 sound effects from this list: [Truck Horn], [Bird Honk], [Door Squeak], [Footsteps], [Thunder], & [Car Engine]
      3 Points Story and sound effects fit well together.
      1. Listen to the 6 sounds in this Google Drive folder.
      2. Sound effects can be used to tell a story. Which of these recordings sound like they could be part of a great adventure?
      3. Stories often have more than one sound to help build the scene. Which of these sounds could be used together?
      4. Today, I would like you to write a short story that could use three of these six sounds.
        1. It can be a 3 sentence story again if you want, but it doesn't have to be that exact number. 
        2. During our next class, we'll use WeVideo to combine the sound effects with our stories to make them more awesome!
        3. When you are writing your story, include the sound effect between brackets [like this].
          1. Example: "And then a storm rolled in [thunder] so I opened the door to go inside [door squeak]."
        4. To begin writing your story, press the "Reply" button in Canvas.