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CS Discoveries, 09-11-2023

Today's to-do list includes the following items:

  1. Announcements:
    1. It is still your responsibility to use IDM to reset your password.
  2. Warm-Up: 
    1. Complete today's Warm-Up in Canvas.
    2.  Prompt: Based on what you know about the Problem-Solving Process, what do you think each step could look like when creating a website?
      • Define:
      • Prepare:
      • Try:
      • Reflect:
    3. Warm-Ups are usually a 4-5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
  3. Vocabulary: (Be prepared for quizzes using these terms.)
    1. HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, a language used to create web pages
    2. HTML Element - A piece of a website, marked by a start tag and often closed with an end tag
    3. HTML Tag - The special set of characters that indicates the start and end of an HTML element and that element's type
    4. Website Content - the text and images on a website
    5. Website Structure - how the content of a website is organized
  4. Introduced Code: (Be prepared for quizzes using these terms.)
  5. Class Activities:
    1. Unit 2 Lesson 1: Exploring Web Pages
      1. Handouts:
      2. Assignment:
        1. For this assignment, you will need to reference the "Sample Personal Web Pages" viewable in under Unit 2, Lesson 1.
        2. You will also need a copy of this worksheet, which you will hand in through Canvas. If it's highlighted in yellow, an answer needs to go there.
        3. With the worksheet done, you should complete the Check-in survey also found in under Unit 2 Lesson 1.
    2. Unit 2 Lesson 2: Intro to HTML
      1. Handouts:
        1. Web Development: Intro to HTML (1:32 YouTube Video)
      2. Assignment:
        1. There are 8 Levels (bubbles) on under Unit 2 Lesson 2. We will do Level 1 together before you begin working independently.
          1. Video directions: Bubble 1, Bubble 2, Bubble 3, Bubble 4, Bubble 5, Bubble 6, Bubble 7, Bubble 8
        2. Your work will be checked in! For this assignment, use Canvas to let Mr. Smith know your work is ready to be checked.
        3. (Many levels will refer to a "Navigator." This is for classrooms that do not have enough computers for every student, requiring them to share. Each of you has a working computer (more than one, if you brought your ChromeBook to class) so you are ALL Navigators.)
        4. Each Level builds up skills needed to understand how to complete the assessment. Skip at your own risk.
        5. Level 7 is assessed using the following rubric:
          1. Extensive Evidence (4 points)All texts is contained within paragraph tags. The resulting webpage matches the preview in the level instructions.
          2. Convincing Evidence (3 points)
            At least some text has been separated out into a paragraph through proper use of paragraph tags. The resulting webpage partially matches the preview in the level instructions
          3. Limited Evidence (2 points)
            There is at least one paragraph tag in the text, but it may not be used properly (e.g. missing closing tag, paragraphs created outside of the body element).
          4. No Evidence (1 point)
            There are no paragraph tags in the text.
          5. No Attempt (0 points)
            There may be evidence that the level was observed, but no evidence that the level was attempted.