Welcome to your fourth Media Arts class of the year!
Today's Agenda:
- Announcements
- Audio Lesson 1, Audio Lesson 2, and Audio Lesson 3 are now PAST DUE. You can still hand these in, but we only meet for 15 days this Quarter and do not have the time to pause instruction.
- Today's Lesson
- Begin by completing Audio 1: Goal Setting.
- When you've shown Mr. Smith your completed script, he'll hand you a microphone to complete Audio 2: Record & Edit.
- If both of these things are handed in, complete Audio 3: Podcast Script.
- You should only move on to Audio 4 if you've completed these first three lessons!
- Audio 4: Podcast Recording
- Note: Podcasting is one of the categories in the annual PGCPS Student Film Festival! Recordings that are well done may be considered for entry into the contest!
Grading Rubric:4 Points Recording is free of misspoken words and "verbal filler" like "um," "uh," and so on. 3 Points Podcast script has music selected from the mp3 downloads list at FouloisTech.infoLinks to an external site., with its citation included as part of the script. 3 Points Spoken content and chosen music fit together well. - To begin, you will first need to make sure you handed in your Audio 3 assignment. Without your script you will not have anything to record!
- Your script needed to have music. Use this link to find the song mentioned in your citations, then download it to your computer.
- Go to WeVideo and click the "Log In" button. You should have set up your account during our Audio 2 lesson.
The recording steps will be the same as the Audio 2 lesson, but we will also be uploading the music you selected using the "Import" button!
- It's important to not have your music be too loud compared to your recording. Mr. Smith will show you how to adjust the volume to fix this.
- It will usually also be necessary to trim the music, whether the music is too long or too short compared to your recording.
- (This mostly involves cutting out everything but the first 15 seconds and last 15 seconds of the music, then having it fade to silence in the beginning and fade in from silence at the end. Again, Mr. Smith will show you how to do this.)
- Mr. Smith will again show you how to export your work, but if you miss them or need a reminder, this video should help, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT YOU ARE EXPORTING AUDIO ONLY! This will not be a video project.
- With your audio exported, click the "Reply" button in Canvas and use the Record/Upload Media button in the toolbar to upload your file here and hand it in.
- When you've uploaded your recording, you'll be able to listen to everyone else's recordings!
- You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
- Note: Podcasting is one of the categories in the annual PGCPS Student Film Festival! Recordings that are well done may be considered for entry into the contest!