Today's Agenda:
- Announcements
- Audio Lesson 1 and Audio Lesson 2 are now PAST DUE. You can still hand them in, but we only meet for 15 days this Quarter and do not have the time to pause instruction.
- Today's Lesson
- Begin by completing Audio 1 (Canvas Link) and Audio 2 (Canvas Link). They build up the skills needed to complete this new project.
- Audio 3: 6 Sound Story Script
- Grading Rubric:
4 Points Story has very few spelling and/or grammatical errors. Proofread! 3 Points Story uses 3 of the 6 sound effects from this list: [cat meow], [rim shot], [applause], [crowd laugh], [crash], & [small dog bark] 3 Points Story and sound effects fit well together. - Listen to the following 6 sounds in this Google Drive folder.
- Sound effects can be used to tell a story. Which of these recordings sound like they could be part of a great adventure?
- Stories often have more than one sound to help build the scene. Which of these sounds could be used together?
- Today, I would like you to write a short story that could use three of these six sounds.
- It can be a 3 sentence story again if you want, but it doesn't have to be that exact number.
- During our next class, we'll use WeVideo to combine the sound effects with our stories to make them more awesome!
- When you are writing your story, include the sound effect between brackets [like this].
- Example: "And then a storm rolled in [thunder] so I opened the door to go inside [door squeak]."
- To begin writing your story, use the text box below this assignment in Canvas.
- Proofread your script! Typos will affect your grade.
You will only have two attempts to hand this in. If your first attempt does not earn a 10/10 you will receive feedback on how to improve it.
- Grading Rubric: