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CS Discoveries, 09-05-2023

Today's to-do list includes the following items:

  1. Announcements:
    1. It is still your responsibility to use IDM to reset your password, as the temporary one WILL STOP WORKING TODAY. Also, do you really want Mr. Smith to know your password? EVEN MR. SMITH doesn't want Mr. Smith to know your password. Change it so he doesn't.
  2. Warm-Up: 
    1. Women holding parts of the first four Army computersJournal Prompt: This picture (source) shows one of the world's first computers, and four of the world's first computer programmers. What are three ways this computer is different from computers that we use today? What are two ways that it is the same? What is one thing you think is true of ALL computers?
    2. Warm-Ups are usually a 4-5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
  3. Class Activities:
    1. Lesson 4: What is a Computer?
      1. Vocabulary
        Computer - A machine that works with information.
      2. Make a copy of this document.
      3. Make a “Share Link” accessible to anyone with a PGCPS account, as you were previously shown.
      4. Copy/Paste the link into this lesson's Canvas assignment.
      5. Divide the canvas (the area of the document filled with a checkerboard) into two areas.
      6. Place your name in the provided location.
      7. Divide this workspace in half, labeling one half “Computers” and the other half “Not Computers.”
      8. Place four (4) items on each half (8 items total) so that they are in the correct location.
    2. Lesson 5: Inputs and Outputs
      1. Vocabulary
        Input - the information computers get from users, devices, or other computers
        Output - the information computers give to users, devices, or other computers
      2. This lesson will need you to have TWO tabs open at the same time.
        1. You'll need to be looking at Unit 1 Lesson 5 in (Log in using Clever!)
        2. Your work will be handed in using this Canvas assignment.
      3. The directions in the Canvas assignment will have you copy/paste three sets of questions into the text box.
      4. Each set of questions will be about a different app's input and output. Answer the questions and hand it in for a grade.