Today's to-do list includes the following items:
- Warm-Up:
- Take a moment to read through the goal statements handed in for Monday's Warm-Up, then use the REPLY button in this Canvas assignment to answer the two questions listed in the rubric.Grading Rubric:
1 pt What is something that stands out in the goal statements from your classmates? 1 pt Is there anything you'd like to adjust on your own goal statement, and if so, what? 3 pts Proofread your work. ADDENDUM:
If you rewrite your goal statement in addition to answering the above questions, the new version will be printed and hung up in place of the old version.
- Warm-Ups are usually a 5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
- Take a moment to read through the goal statements handed in for Monday's Warm-Up, then use the REPLY button in this Canvas assignment to answer the two questions listed in the rubric.Grading Rubric:
- Monthly Incentives
- Monthly Media Arts Incentive:
- "Arcade Day" at the end of the month.
- September's Arcade Day is scheduled for 09/29/2023.
- Students remain eligible unless a Notice of Concern has been earned that month for grades or behavior, though a student who missed out from low grades can earn back their Arcade Day privileges if they bring their grade back up.
- Check SchoolMax - if your avg is 70% or above, you're probably eligible.
- "Arcade Day" at the end of the month.
- Monthly Media Arts Incentive:
- Password Resets
- UPDATE: I was previously wrong about the reset date, your temporary password MUST be changed by September 5th, not the 6th.
- It is still YOUR responsibility to use IDM to change your password.
- Changing your password is not an excuse to miss handing in work. You were expected to finish this on Monday.
- Syllabus
- Q1 Project 1
- Due 09-08!
- Everyone's Project 1 for this Quarter will be Digital Citizenship 1: Netiquette.
- On Wednesday I showed shared how to set up your Pro WeVideo accounts.
- Complete Production By 9-6!
- This step should take the least amount of time. Most of your work for most projects should be pre- or post-production.
- Today's class may be shortened by the scheduled pep rally, so I'd like to share these video tutorials for those who need additional instruction on how to use WeVideo:
- WeVideo - Recording (2:39)
- WeVideo - Cuts (1:56)
- WeVideo - Text (5:24)
- Alternate method using Inkscape (5:36) (Use this if you want to add graphics in with your titles/credits/lower thirds.)
- WeVideo - Export (5:45)
- Complete And Hand In Post-Production By 9-8!
- This is when you hand in your work, not when you start your post-production.
- Students who wait until the day a project is due tend to run into last minute problems that can't be fixed in a day.
- When in doubt, export what you have and hand it in. An unfinished but viewable project will always earn more points than an unviewable or late project!
- Projects are 100 point Classwork grades, and are not eligible for late submission.
- Projects are eligible for resubmission, but only once and with a limited window. These details are covered in the syllabus and will be reviewed in more detail after Critique Day.
- Critique Day: 9-12
- The work that's handed in will be shown to the rest of the class, and students will be asked to critique the work of their peers.
- Every student will be expected to critique a minimum of ten (10) student-submitted projects, with additional critiques scored as extra credit.
- Each critique can earn up to three (3) points.
- One point for meaningful positive feedback.
- One point for actionable constructive feedback.
- One point for the feedback being specific to the project being critiqued. ("Good job!" is not specific feedback!)
- Each critique can earn up to three (3) points.
- Critiques are a 30 point Assessment grade and are not eligible for resubmission or late submission.
- Q1 Project 2
- Due 9-22
- Q1 Project 3
- Due 10-06
- Q1 Project 4
- Due 10-19
- Exit Ticket
- Complete today's Exit Ticket in Canvas.
- Every Exit Ticket will ask the same two questions:
- What did you accomplish in Media Arts today?
- What did you learn in Media Arts today?
- Exit Tickets are always 10 point Classwork grades and not eligible for late submission or resubmission. They are due during the last 10 minutes of class.