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CS Discoveries, 08-31-2023

Today's to-do list includes the following items:

  1. Announcements:
    1. It is still your responsibility to use IDM to reset your password, as the temporary one WILL STOP WORKING SOON. Also, do you really want Mr. Smith to know your password? EVEN MR. SMITH doesn't want Mr. Smith to know your password. Change it so he doesn't.
  2. Warm-Up: 
    1. We use the term "problem" to refer to lots of different situations. I could say I have a problem for homework, a problem with my brother, and a problem with my car, and all three mean very different things. In Canvas, brainstorm as many different kinds of problems as you can and be ready to share with the class.
    2. Warm-Ups are usually a 4-5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
  3. Class Activities:
    1. Lesson 2: The Problem Solving Process
      1. Define
        1. What problem are you trying to solve?
        2. What are your constraints?
        3. What does success look like?
      2. Prepare
        1. Brainstorm / research possible solutions
        2. Compare pros and cons
        3. Make a plan
      3. Try
        1. Put your plan into action
      4. Reflect
        1. How do your results compare to the goals you set while defining the problem?
        2. What can you learn from this or do better next time?
        3. What new problems have you discovered?
      5. If your group made two boats last class, chances are you did all of these steps - even if you didn't label them at the time.
    2. Lesson 3: Using the Problem Solving Process
      1. Listen to and follow your teacher's directions to complete this activity.

        The following resource will be used during this lesson.


      2. In addition to this document, you will need to answer the following questions in the text box for this assignment in Canvas. (Hint: The easiest method to do this is to copy/paste the questions into the text box before answering them.):
        1. Select ONE (1) of the 3 group activities to evaluate. (It MUST be one you feel your group completed successfully.)
        2. Reflecting on Using the Process (25%)
          How did you use each step of the problem solving process to solve this problem? Give examples of what each step looked like as you were solving that problem.

          1. Define
          2. Prepare
          3. Try
          4. Reflect
        3. The Purpose of Each Step (25%)
          For each step in the problem solving process, write one sentence explaining its purpose. Why is it included in the problem solving process?

          1. Define
          2. Prepare
          3. Try
          4. Reflect
        4. Defining Problems with Questions (50%)
          Before starting to solve a problem it’s important that you have defined it well. What questions or strategies can you use to better define or understand a problem? Record them in the space below.