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Media Arts Majors, 08-30-2023

Today's to-do list includes the following items:

  1. Warm-Up: 
    1. I know I said future Warm-Ups will be in Canvas, but here's one more Google Form - a Pre-Test.
    2. As a pre-test, don't stress too hard about your score. I want to see what you already know so I know what I need to review. Your grade for this will be for if you completed it or not, not how many answers you got right.
    3. Warm-Ups are usually a 5 point Independent Work grade if a written response is expected, or a 5 point Assessment grade if the Warm-Up is a quiz. They are due at the start of class and not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
  2. Monthly Incentives
    1. Monthly Media Arts Incentive:
      1. "Arcade Day" at the end of the month.
        1. September's Arcade Day is scheduled for 09/29/2023.
      2. Students remain eligible unless a Notice of Concern has been earned that month for grades or behavior, though a student who missed out from low grades can earn back their Arcade Day privileges if they bring their grade back up.
        1. Check SchoolMax - if your avg is 70% or above, you're probably eligible.
  3. Password Resets
    1. Every PGCPS student must reset their password before September 6th.
    2. Fortunately, I created some temporary passwords for you to use just this once.
    3. Go to IDM and prepare to log in with your username and temp password while Mr. Smith hands them out.
  4. Syllabus
    1. You will be held accountable for your behavior and your work (or lack thereof).
  5. Q1 Project 1
    1. Due 09-08!
    2. Everyone's Project 1 for this Quarter will be Digital Citizenship 1: Netiquette.
    3. Today I'll show you the basics of how to set up your WeVideo accounts for the year and show some "best practices" for recording video and audio.
      1. You will need to use the link shared here to activate the "Pro" features for WeVideo, or it won't be very useful.
      2. After your account is activated, you can log in from anywhere by going to and using your PGCPS Gmail account.
    4. Other tools we have for recording/editing include:
      1. Classroom cameras and microphones (Ask to use, answer will usually be "Yes" unless other responsibilities are looming.)
      2. Audacity (Audio recorder and editor, installed on all classroom computers.)
      3. Openshot (Video editor, installed on all classroom computers.)
      4. Kdenlive (New this year!) (Video editor, installation is ongoing.)
      5. OBS (Screen and camera recording software, installed on all classroom computers.)
      6. Your phone**** (Ask before using!)
    5. Complete Pre-Production By 9-01!
      1. "Those who fail to plan plan to fail."
      2. Planning out and prepping for the production phase makes everything else easier.
      3. For a beginning media artist, every 1 minute of pre-production can easily save 5 minutes of post-production, if not more. Being lazy on this step requires more work later. Who wants to do more work?
        1. (While more experience can always bring that ratio down, it never reaches 1:1.)
    6. Complete Production By 9-6!
      1. This step should take the least amount of time. Most of your work for most projects should be pre- or post-production.
    7. Complete And Hand In Post-Production By 9-8!
      1. This is when you hand in your work, not when you start your post-production.
      2. Students who wait until the day a project is due tend to run into last minute problems that can't be fixed in a day.
      3. When in doubt, export what you have and hand it in. An unfinished but viewable project will always earn more points than an unviewable or late project!
      4. Projects are 100 point Classwork grades, and are not eligible for late submission.
        1. Projects are eligible for resubmission, but only once and with a limited window. These details are covered in the syllabus and will be reviewed in more detail after Critique Day.
    8. Critique Day: 9-12
      1. The work that's handed in will be shown to the rest of the class, and students will be asked to critique the work of their peers.
      2. Every student will be expected to critique a minimum of ten (10) student-submitted projects, with additional critiques scored as extra credit.
        1. Each critique can earn up to three (3) points.
          1. One point for meaningful positive feedback.
          2. One point for actionable constructive feedback.
          3. One point for the feedback being specific to the project being critiqued. ("Good job!" is not specific feedback!)
      3. Critiques are a 30 point Assessment grade and are not eligible for resubmission or late submission.
  6. Q1 Project 2
    1. Due 9-22
  7. Q1 Project 3
    1. Due 10-06
  8. Q1 Project 4
    1. Due 10-19
  9. Exit Ticket
    1. Complete today's Exit Ticket in Canvas.
    2. Every Exit Ticket will ask the same two questions:
      1. What did you accomplish in Media Arts today?
      2. What did you learn in Media Arts today?
    3. Exit Tickets are always 10 point Classwork grades and not eligible for late submission or resubmission. They are due during the last 10 minutes of class.