While Canvas is a wonderful tool, it currently does not allow for parent or guardian logins. To that end, this website will be used to share assignments, due dates, and other announcements.
Anything related to student information will still be kept behind a login to preserve confidentiality, but parents should not need to log into a student account to learn about the expectations for this class.
If you are familiar with RSS feeds and wish to use an RSS reader to subscribe to future announcements, the applicable URLs are linked below.
- Kindergarten RSS Feed
- 1st Grade RSS Feed
- 2nd Grade RSS Feed
- 3rd Grade RSS Feed
- 4th Grade RSS Feed
- 5th Grade RSS Feed
- Media Arts Majors RSS Feed
- Technology Concepts RSS Feed
- CS Discoveries RSS Feed
(This website was only used for Media Arts Majors and Tech Concepts students last year, so the RSS feeds for the other classes will include content from several years ago until we've had enough announcements to push them off the list.)