This is the public facing summary of my Media Arts project that is due 5-8-2020. The video is being cross-posted to Google Classroom, where you should complete it.
Video Introduction
(I certainly hope no one clicks the gear icon on the lower right corner of the video player and increases the playback speed...)
Talking Points
- New projects will be posted the first day of instruction every week. For most weeks, that's Monday.
- It has become clear that most students are not watching the videos.
- All work will be graded with the assumption that you watched the videos to gain clarity.
- TL;DR: Watch the videos.
- Check-In Assignments are posted every Monday and Wednesday. They are due the day they are posted.
- This is how "attendance" is being taken.
- Not completing the Check-In assignments could result in an "Incomplete" for 4th Quarter.
- Not completing the Check-In assignments does result in parent/guardian notification.
- Office Hours are from 9am to 1pm every instructional day.
- Comment in Google Classroom
- This is for STUDENTS ONLY. Parents should use email instead, as accessing Google Classroom will allow them to see content shared by other students, and that is a privacy concern.
- Private comments in Classroom have always been turned on.
- Class-wide comments have been turned on, but POST RESPONSIBLY as other students will be able to see and respond to what you share. This can be turned off for students who abuse the privilege.
- Email to
- Emails from student accounts will be assumed to be from students.
- I will monitor both Google Classroom and my email during those hours to address any concerns or requests for clarification.
- Comment in Google Classroom
- New projects will be posted the first day of instruction every week. For most weeks, that's Monday.
Assignment Due 5-8
- Your third Q4 project (Video Title Card) is assigned to be handed in by 1:00PM Friday, 5-8-2020.
- You are certainly allowed to start on this early, but don't forget your second project is due THIS Friday so make sure you get that handed in before you start the next thing.
- At the time you are seeing this, your first project is PAST DUE by several days. I will not be grading late submissions.
- Your work will involve following the directions on this worksheet. A copy of it has been created in Google Classroom for you.
- The worksheet requires you to answer several questions in the worksheet itself.
- You are expected to write as if a teacher is your target audience. Proofread your responses before handing them in.
- The worksheet requires you to make several aesthetic choices that will relate directly to the end product, as well as citing some sources.
- The worksheet then requires you to create a 3-5 second video title card.
- Your third Q4 project (Video Title Card) is assigned to be handed in by 1:00PM Friday, 5-8-2020.