This is the public facing summary of my Tech Concepts assignments for 4-17 through 4-24. The video is being cross-posted to Google Classroom, where you should complete your assignment.
Video Introduction
(I certainly hope no one clicks the gear icon on the lower right corner of the video player and increases the playback speed...)
Talking Points
- Teachers are providing lessons designed to take 1 week for students to complete.
- Some classes may schedule live chats via ZOOM or Google Meet.
- Tech Concepts will distribute lessons via recorded videos with supplementary materials that allow them to fit the instruction into the less compromising parts of their schedule.
- Work is due 1 week after the date it is assigned.
- (The work being given today, Friday the 17th, will be due by 1pm the following Friday, April 24th. I will begin grading submitted work at that time. Work may of course be submitted early.)
- (On the 24th, a new assignment will be given that is due Friday, May 1st.)
- Office Hours for teachers are from 9am to 1pm every instructional day.
- Comment in Google Classroom
- This is for STUDENTS ONLY. Parents should use email instead, as accessing Google Classroom will allow them to see content shared by other students, and that is a privacy concern.
- Private comments in Classroom have always been turned on.
- Class-wide comments have been turned on, but POST RESPONSIBLY as other students will be able to see and respond to what you share. This can be turned off for students who abuse the privilege.
- Email to
- Emails from student accounts will be assumed to be from students.
- I will monitor both Google Classroom and my email during those hours to address any concerns or requests for clarification.
- Comment in Google Classroom
- Teachers are providing lessons designed to take 1 week for students to complete.
Assignment For 4-17 Through 4-24
- Your first Q4 project (Tutorial Critique) is assigned TODAY, FRIDAY, APRIL 17th, and is due FRIDAY, APRIL 24.
- Your work will involve following the directions on this worksheet. A copy of it has been created in Google Classroom for you.
- The worksheet requires you to answer several questions in the worksheet itself.
- You are expected to write as if a teacher is your target audience. Proofread your responses before handing them in.
- The worksheet requires you to complete a short video tutorial and hand that in along with the worksheet.
- When sharing in various media...
- Think first
- Be kind
- Remember your audience
- Teacher
- Classmates
- Administration
- Parents
- Take moments to distract yourself. (Set a timer if you have pending work to get done.)
- Play a game
- Breathe
- Exercise
- Make digital art (Oh, hey, this is a Technology class. You can post that work to our Google Classroom!)
- View and comment on work made by a classmate.
- Do this daily
- Get clean
- Get dressed
- For the love of decency please do both 1 and 2 before you do ANYTHING near a camera.
- Yes, even if you're not pointing the camera at you.
- I should not have to say this but people far older than you have made this mistake and paid for it. Learn from their failures.
- When sharing in various media...