While there was talk of extending 3rd Quarter, the official word is that THIS WILL NOT BE HAPPENING!
Here's what you need to do:
1. If you have handed in Project 4 and answered all of the Homework questions IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM, you're caught up! There is no more 3rd Quarter work that you need to do.
2. If you have NOT handed in Project 4 and/or have NOT answered all of the Homework questions IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM, get that done TODAY! (This is a change from the previous directions that allowed for the printed version to be handed in upon your return to class. We will not be returning until weeks after the 3rd Quarter grading window has closed, so that plan's out the window.)
There will be no critique assignment for Project 4, as the turnaround time is too narrow.
Work not handed in by the end of the day today will have a zero in SchoolMax, so get it in ASAP! I'm going to get a head start grading things today, so thank you to all of you who handed your assignments in already. You've made my job a lot easier.
I will be willing to accept late work ONLY for assignments due during the past two weeks, and ONLY up until this Friday. I strongly suggest you not risk that deadline and get your work in today.
As for 4th Quarter...
There is a good chance that you will get official word on how that will be managed this week, most likely today or tomorrow. I'm one of the teachers who was asked to create project based curriculum that could be done from home, and our deadline for getting them in is this Friday.
I'm optimistic that your learning-from-home experiences in all of your Creative Arts classes will be enjoyable and, as I've tried to structure my own classes, NOT full of "busywork."
Good luck.