Important Announcements:
- Project 4 was initially due on March 20th. This has been extended to March 30th. I understand that not everyone will be able to finish based on their individualized rubric, but PLEASE hand in what you have done so far on that date so a grade can be given for your progress.
- In addition to the Project 4 grade, you will be given 6 homework assignments (3/week) and one quiz.
- Remember that for this class Homework is 10% of your grade and Assessments are 20% of your grade. This is not work worth skipping.
- Homework and due dates will be listed below. I strongly suggest completing them in Google Classroom rather than on paper as it's much harder to lose Google Classroom work.
- I will still accept packets on the 30th, but STRONGLY ADVISE either completing all the work early OR by the due dates listed, so that no one is staying up late on the 29th trying to catch up.
- Professionally, I despise busywork in all of its forms. These assignments are NOT busywork. They are legitimate and relate to our curriculum. They WILL be graded. Please do not request two weeks of zeroes by choosing to not complete this work.
- 03-16 Homework
- Look over the work given to you from your other classes (not this one). Which of them do you feel is making the best use of technology for you to be able to complete your work? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
- 03-18 Homework
- How can you work to improve your skills with your major over this two week break beyond completing the work that's been sent home? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
- 03-20 Homework
- How do you see digital media used to share accurate information about COVID-19? Do you feel it is being shared effectively? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
- 03-23 Homework
- How do you see digital media being used to share INACCURATE information about COVID-19? Does it look like this misinformation is being believed? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
- 03-25 Homework
- What technology / media arts themed careers seem to be the most protected from the COVID-19 outbreak? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
- 03-27 Homework
- How have you improved your skills with your major outside of the work that was sent home? As always, explain your answer to earn credit.
Social Media Quiz
- Due 03-27.
- Quiz is here, and posted in Google Classroom.
- A printable version can be found here: socialmediaquiz03-27-2020.
- The digital version is preferable as it is self-grading, but the paper version will be accepted.