- How can Media Arts skills be used to deal with COVID-19?
- To earn credit, use a complete sentence to explain your answer.
- This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Fundraising
- We are trying for another camera!
- We currently need $278 more to be funded, out of an original total of $383.
- We are trying for another camera!
- Schedule
02-07: Q3 P1 Due02-21: Q3 P2 Due03-06: Q3 P3 Due- 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
- 04-03: Q4 P1 Due
- 04-21: Film Festival Awards Ceremony
- "To earn credit..."
- Often the explanation of the answer is more important than the answer itself.
- If a requirement asks for an explanation, skipping the explanation will most often result in a zero.
Learning Opportunities
- Q3 Project 3
- Your grades are in Google Classroom.
- If you are unhappy with your grade, you have until 03-21 to resubmit your work in the RESUBMIT project to earn a higher grade.
- Q3 Project 4
- We have a record number of individualized, approved rubrics for this project, but IF I HAVE NOT TOLD YOU YOUR RUBRIC IS APPROVED, DO NOT ASSUME IT WAS!
- Check my comment for your 03-03 Homework (03-05 Warm-Up) to see if your rubric was approved. If we made fixes together, my comment is the version of the rubric that will be used during critiques.
- Students who do not have approved rubrics will be doing the Podcasting assignment. I have changed that rubric slightly, so be sure to check it.
- Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- 5th grade assessments are tomorrow. What advice would you give to the 5th graders who have decided they want to be Media Arts majors?
To earn credit, use a complete sentence to explain your answer.
This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
- 5th grade assessments are tomorrow. What advice would you give to the 5th graders who have decided they want to be Media Arts majors?
- There is no homework for tonight. Your next homework assignment will be given this Friday.