- There is Negative, Positive, and Constructive criticism. Use AT LEAST one sentence to explain the differences between them.
- This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Fundraising
- We are trying for another camera!
- We currently need $278 more to be funded, out of an original total of $383.
- We are trying for another camera!
- Schedule
02-07: Q3 P1 Due02-21: Q3 P2 Due- 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
- 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
- 04-03: Q4 P1 Due
- Chorus Performance
- We are in need of volunteers to help operate the Tricaster for the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday performances.
- Thursday will have two shows, including an EVENING performance.
- Please do not volunteer to help if you cannot attend. Majors helping Thursday evening will be expected to have helped either Wednesday or Thursday morning in order to learn what needs to be done.
- Each show will need someone to operate a video camera to get close-ups as well as someone else to switch between static shots and close-ups using the Tricaster.
- Helpers are expected to wear ALL BLACK, as you will be part of the stage crew and that's the default uniform.
- We are in need of volunteers to help operate the Tricaster for the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday performances.
Learning Opportunities
- Q3 Project 2
- Today is a Critique day. As is standard, the critiques are not eligible for resubmission BUT you can finish them for homework tonight if you do not complete them in class.
- Q3 Project 3
- We are taking a short break from student created rubrics due to choices that have been made in and out of our classroom. Your Project 3 will be a Tutorial Video.
- Rubric:
- ► Video includes title and COMPLETE (including citations!) credits.
- ► Video shows how to complete a Media Arts related task with enough detail for someone to be able to follow the directions and complete a similar activity.
- ► Video has a TRT of 2:30-5:00.
- ► Video stays on topic for the entire Run Time and is free of "verbal filler" like "um," "uh," "so, like," and other common things we say when thinking of the next thing to say.
- (Ex: A dance interlude or discussion of your favorite Fortnite tactics would likely have you score low here. If you need to add "filler" to hit the time minimum, you picked the wrong activity for a tutorial.)
- "Verbal Filler" is OK in conversation but tutorials should show that planning has gone into them, and verbal filler is what we do if we haven't first thought out our next sentence.
- As with all projects, START WITH A PLAN YOU'VE WRITTEN OUT! Professionals in the industry do this for good reason. Learn from their example.
- Script?
- Storyboard?
- Shot List?
- Screen Recording
- You are not required by the rubric as it is written to record your screen, though this can make certain tutorials much easier.
- The non-windows computers have a program installed called "Simple Screen Recorder."
- When recording at home I frequently use Open Broadcaster Studio (OBS), which is software often used by streamers. A version should be installed on the Windows computers already.
- Many computers can make use of https://screencast-o-matic.com/ to record their screens. You can log in with your PGCPS Google account.
- Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- What, in your opinion, was the best constructive criticism you gave today? Use a complete sentence to explain your answer in order to earn credit.
This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
- What, in your opinion, was the best constructive criticism you gave today? Use a complete sentence to explain your answer in order to earn credit.
- There is no homework for tonight unless you need to complete your critiques, in which case they are due by 11:59 PM, Google Server Time, TONIGHT.