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Tech Concepts, Smith, 02-21-2020 (Q3 Day 10)


  1. What tasks should be done at the end of class? Anything handed in after 2:40pm (Google Time) will be a zero.
  2. This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.

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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)

Today's Agenda


  1. Syllabus Review
  2. Important Dates
    1. 01-29 AUP Quiz
    2. 02-07: Q3 P1 Due
    3. 02-21: Q3 P2 Due
    4. 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
    5. 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
    6. 04-03: Q4 P1 Due

Learning Opportunities

  1. Project 2
    1. DO NOT ASSUME that your proposed rubric is approved.
      1. Check "02-06 Warm-Up (02-04 Homework)" to see if I said it was approved.
      2. The grade provided was for the effort, and does not indicate if the rubric was approved or not.
    2. If your rubric was NOT approved, you will be working on a project where I wrote the rubric for you.
      1. Inkscape Logo Rubric:
        1. ► Logo must consist of only the school’s colors. (Blue and White are the school colors. Black counts as a color for this project, don't use it.)
        2. ► Logo background must be transparent.
        3. ► Logo graphic should relate in some way to the school mascot (Falcon).
        4. ► Logo must be saved as both an SVG file and exported as a 600x600 PNG file.
      2. Inkscape Logo Sample Tutorial
      3. Save And Export in Inkscape
      1. Especially with Inkscape, I can totally understand if something gets confusing. It's a new app for most of you!
      2. If you want to avoid asking for help, at least watch the videos as they'll show some things you can do for this lesson.
  2. Project 3
    1. ONLY start on this if you have finished Project 2!
      1. We will not be in class on Tuesday 02-25 as it is an all major day, so starting early is not a bad idea if you can, but finish Project 2 FIRST!
    2. Again, do not assume your rubric was approved. Only 5 student submitted rubrics won that honor.
      1. (Check comments from the 02-12 Homework in Google Classroom to see if yours was one of them.)
    3. If your rubric was not one of the ones that was approved, you will be creating a "Door Scene" video.
    4. Rubric:
      1. ► Entire video is between 0:30-1:00 TRT (Total Run Time)
      2. ► Video includes a title card and credits for everyone who helped make the video, along with music citations.
      3. ► Plot of the video includes someone trying to get through a door, struggling to open the door as it doesn't open, then finally getting through the door.
      4. ► Video has no audio except for the music, selected from the YouTube Audio Library.
  3. Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)

    1. We are halfway through the projects for this class. How do you feel about your progress so far? Use at least one (1) complete sentence to earn credit.
    2. This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
    1. 02-21: There is no homework for tonight. Homework assignments where you submit your proposal for Project 4 will begin next week.