- What tasks should be done at the end of class? Anything handed in after 2:40pm (Google Time) will be a zero.
- This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
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Students will generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work to demonstrate understanding of PGCPS technology rules. (Anchor Standard 1)
Today's Agenda
- Syllabus Review
- Important Dates
01-29 AUP Quiz02-07: Q3 P1 Due- 02-21: Q3 P2 Due
- 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
- 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
- 04-03: Q4 P1 Due
Learning Opportunities
- Project 2
- DO NOT ASSUME that your proposed rubric is approved.
- Check "02-06 Warm-Up (02-04 Homework)" to see if I said it was approved.
- The grade provided was for the effort, and does not indicate if the rubric was approved or not.
- If your rubric was NOT approved, you will be working on a project where I wrote the rubric for you.
- Inkscape Logo Rubric:
- ► Logo must consist of only the school’s colors. (Blue and White are the school colors. Black counts as a color for this project, don't use it.)
- ► Logo background must be transparent.
- ► Logo graphic should relate in some way to the school mascot (Falcon).
- ► Logo must be saved as both an SVG file and exported as a 600x600 PNG file.
- Inkscape Logo Sample Tutorial
- Save And Export in Inkscape
- Inkscape Logo Rubric:
- Especially with Inkscape, I can totally understand if something gets confusing. It's a new app for most of you!
- If you want to avoid asking for help, at least watch the videos as they'll show some things you can do for this lesson.
- DO NOT ASSUME that your proposed rubric is approved.
- Project 3
- ONLY start on this if you have finished Project 2!
- We will not be in class on Tuesday 02-25 as it is an all major day, so starting early is not a bad idea if you can, but finish Project 2 FIRST!
- Again, do not assume your rubric was approved. Only 5 student submitted rubrics won that honor.
- (Check comments from the 02-12 Homework in Google Classroom to see if yours was one of them.)
- If your rubric was not one of the ones that was approved, you will be creating a "Door Scene" video.
- Rubric:
- ► Entire video is between 0:30-1:00 TRT (Total Run Time)
- ► Video includes a title card and credits for everyone who helped make the video, along with music citations.
- ► Plot of the video includes someone trying to get through a door, struggling to open the door as it doesn't open, then finally getting through the door.
- ► Video has no audio except for the music, selected from the YouTube Audio Library.
- ONLY start on this if you have finished Project 2!
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- We are halfway through the projects for this class. How do you feel about your progress so far? Use at least one (1) complete sentence to earn credit.
- This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
- 02-21: There is no homework for tonight. Homework assignments where you submit your proposal for Project 4 will begin next week.