- Use at least one (1) complete sentence to describe the best and worst parts about designing your own rubrics.
- This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
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- Students will organize and develop artistic ideas and work (Anchor Standard 2) to understand relationships between Media Arts and Language Arts.
Today's Agenda
- Fundraising
- We are now up to NINE (9) Raspberry Pi computers for the class!
- (Plus two Raspberry Pi computers and three of my old gaming PCs I brought from home, but I'm not counting those.)
Let's try for Raspberry Pi #10! FUNDED!- Let's try to get another camera while we're at it!
- We are now up to NINE (9) Raspberry Pi computers for the class!
- Schedule
02-07: Q3 P1 Due- 02-21: Q3 P2 Due
- 03-06: Q3 P3 Due
- 03-20: Q3 P4 Due
- 04-03: Q4 P1 Due
Learning Opportunities
- Q3 Project 1
- Today is a critique day.
- Due to the length of the Drama Edit we will not be critiquing those projects in class. Because of this, you should be able to complete today's critiques more quickly.
- Q3 Project 2
- If your Project 2 rubric is approved, you can get started as soon asa your critiques are done.
- If your Project 2 rubric was NOT approved, you will be working on the Podcast assignment for Project 2.
- Podcasting: The Media Behind the Arts
- Exit Ticket (Auto-posted to Google Classroom at 3:40pm.)
- What is your overall opinion of the projects critiqued today? Use at least one (1) complete sentence to earn credit.
This assignment is not eligible for late submission or resubmission.
- What is your overall opinion of the projects critiqued today? Use at least one (1) complete sentence to earn credit.
- There is no homework for tonight unless you have not finished your critiques.